Safety Solution Comparison Guide
Lone Worker Safety Solution Comparison Guide
Evaluate the different types of lone worker safety solutions and identify the most effective one for your organisation.
Lone Workers
How to Identify if Your Organisation Needs a Lone Worker Solution
How to identify if your organisation employs lone workers and requires a lone worker safety solution.
Lone Worker Solution
Why You Need a Lone Worker Solution
Why your organisation should deploy a comprehensive lone worker solution, not employee GPS tracking.
Working Alone Procedure
Working Alone Procedure: Work Health and Safety Compliance
What is an example of a compliant working alone procedure?
Lone Worker App
Why a Lone Worker App is the Best Solution for your Organisation
A lone worker app is the best choice for most organisations, for reasons that include quick setup, ease-of-use, affordability and future scalability.
4 Ways Organisations Benefit from Lone Worker Solutions During COVID-19
New adopters of lone worker solutions can benefit from increased operational transparency, while existing users receive incremental operational efficiencies.
Case Study: Epworth HealthCare
Epworth HealthCare Safeguards Lone Workers with SHEQSY
Since deploying SHEQSY’s smartphone app, Epworth employees have reported feeling increased levels of safety and security.
Improving Operations Management
7 Ways SHEQSY Improves Operations Management
Most lone worker safety solutions exist solely to safeguard employees.
Personal Safety Devices
Using Personal Safety Devices in Australia to Safeguard Lone Workers
As a manager of lone workers, you may wonder whether personal safety devices are the most effective way to safeguard your organisation’s employees.
Reporting Hazards in the Workplace
Why is it Important to Report Hazards in the Workplace?
Is your organisation committed to providing a safe and healthy work environment for all employees, contractors, and volunteers?
Duress Alarm Systems
Using a Duress Alarm System to Effectively Safeguard Lone Workers
Why and how your organisation should deploy duress alarms to ensure your employees are safeguarded at all times.
Hazards in the Workplace
6 Types of Hazards in the Workplace
Health and safety managers must have safety policies and procedures in place that mitigate and/or eliminate all types of hazards in the workplace.
Identifying Workplace Hazards
How to Identify Hazards in the Workplace
Understanding how to identify hazards in the workplace is the first step in ensuring that your employees are as safe as possible.
Safety & Simplicity
5 Tips to Improve Safety & Simplify Management of Lone Workers
Are your management processes slowing you down, draining your organisation’s resources, or endangering your lone workers?