Contact Tracing

Contact tracing is crucial to the fight against COVID-19

Due to COVID-19, organizations now have an obligation to:

SHEQSY has developed new features to remove the administrative burden of documenting and collecting information required for contact tracing.

COVID-19 Employee contact tracing report

SHEQSY provides detailed historical reporting of employee activities. This includes details of work at company office locations, customer sites, and community locations, all available to view within SHEQSY and to export in PDF and XLS.

COVID-19 Real-time contact report

,SHEQSY app now includes a ‘Contact’ report type. Employees can report the required daily interactions with people including comments, photos and videos. These reports are time, date, and location stamped for historical reporting and can be enabled with real-time notifications to health & safety stakeholders within the organization.

COVID-19 Daily employee health status check
SHEQSY app can provide a daily prompt for employees to confirm their health status and to identify for their employers if they are working from an office location, home or client site. Roll call notifications can be configured to send employees necessary advice and requires them to respond from a defined list.
COVID-19 Automated employee safe practice prompts

SHEQSY allows organizations to incorporate reminders and pre-start forms for employees to acknowledge prior to starting work activities. This enables employers to capture important information relating to who the employee is meeting, their recent health condition, and any COVID-19 exposure or travel movements.

What is contact tracing?

Contact tracing is the process of identifying people who may have been exposed to COVID-19. Governments require contact tracing to ensure that these people can be diagnosed, treated and to prevent further spread of the virus in the community.

Get in touch today to find out how SHEQSY solves the challenge of contact tracing

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